After you defeat the Dark Morph in Eklemata, humans are resurrected and you begin the third chapter, Resurrection of the Genius.
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Chapter 3: Ressurrection of the Genius
You wake up in the village of Lhasa,
should buy a Monk Robe
Lord Kumari. Talk to him. He gives you a BonePin that you can use to summon him if you need help. A monk will come in and say that Master Meihou has arrived.
Go outside and go south and talk to the bald guy
Then go back to Lord Kumari's room and talk to Meihou again.
You learn about his grand daughter Meilin who was orphaned in the town of Louran in the war. She stays in Louran to be near her dead parents. You have to go there to try to find her.
Enter the Gobi desert
And you should meet a little girl whom runs away from you. Follow her to enter Louran.
There is a shop in the northwest of the first area. Buy a BrnzPike
Meilin's Scarf
Holy Seal
M. Bulb
L. Bulb
P. Cure
STR Potion
178 Gems
500 Gems
9 Magirocks
Go southwest from the first area and you will find Temjin's house. Talk to him and listen to his story. Tell him to take his money with him when he dies.
Go through the back of Temjin's house, going north until you reach Meilin's house.
Crawl into the fireplace. Follow the path and approach Meilin. When she yells at you, talk to her again, then go back and talk to Meilin's mom again. Meilin's mom will apologize.
Go to the inn, go to the left from the front desk and you can talk to the guy in there, then sleep in the right-hand bed.
You'll wake up in the middle of the night by Yomi's shouting.
Go into Meilin's house, and crawl into the fireplace to go to Meilin's room. Go to the back and check on the red thing in front of the book case to get the Red Scarf.
go through Temujin's house. Push the table downward to get through. You can talk to Hedyn
Go northeast to return to the Louran square. Go into the building to the right of the northwest building and push the boxes to reach two chests. The Rags can be used as armor, but they are very weak. They don't seem to have any use.
Go east from here to reach the eastern side of the city. Follow the path until you enter a house. Go north up the narrow path, then go east to find the LightRod. The LightRod is weaker than the BrnzPike but is stronger against the undead than the BrnzPike, so equip it while you are here.
Get the Holy Seal. Equip it. You will now be safe from the Ghosts that come out of the Maduu armor. They will try to attack, but they can't do any damage or warp you to the town square like before.
Get past the Ghouls, then crawl into the fireplace in the middle to find a bed where you can sleep. Hedyn is also hidin' there. You can read the books here
When you are back in the square, use the northwest exit. You should see some Ghouls walking into a hole in the wall. Follow them into the hole.
While in this house, crawl under the table to see a scene.
Go east until you reach the graveyard. Go to the grave all the way to the north. Check on Temjin's grave to get 500 gems (but only if you told Temjin to take his money with him when he died).
Then equip Meilin's Scarf and go to the northeast corner. Talk to Turbo the dog. He will follow you.
Meilin and Turbo. Hey, lookie! No monsters left! Turns out all the monsters were mirages...
Afterward, go outside. Meihou apologizes for Meilin's behavior and tells you to go ask the Nomads how to get through the Lost Desert.
At the nomads camp
Go north until you find three nomads standing around a fire. Talk to them to learn the way through the lost desert: walk west until you reach three boulders known as the triangle stones. Then go south until you reach boulders shaped like a dragon. Go northwest, then when you reach dragon skulls, go north. The exit is near a giant skull.
Reach the lost desert, Taklama.
As you go through the desert, be sure to walk.
When find a giant skull. Walk directly into the skull's mouth and you will leave the desert.
After you escape from the ruins of Louran and rescue Meilin, you go west through Taklama Desert to reach Loire.
There is a shop. Buy a SlvrPike, but don't get a RingMail, because you will be able to get a free one soon.
Especially speak to Louis several times to hear what terrible thing he did to the village of Storkolm.
There is a girl walking around with a basket of flowers. Buy two flowers from her.
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When you wake up, take note of the chemist whom talks about mushrooms for his sleeping potion, then head to Loire Castle.
Loire Castle
The maids will talk about the princess,
"The King is bad to take advantage of the Princess's inability to talk." "Watch it! If the King hears that, you'll be lucky if he just fires you!" "But no one knows what kind of person will become her groom." "Do you think the King will really bequeath his crown to a stranger?" "I think there has to be something going on. I'm being logical!"
In the castle, you can find the thief, White Wind, in the dungeon. The library has books that you can read.
Talk to the guard blocking the door. Tell him that you want to marry the princess.
Guard will ask you to go into the chamber for the interview
Go north and talk to the old man standing below the steps. Then talk to the King and then to the princess.
Afterward, talk to the old man again. He says that you have to cure the princess so she is no longer mute.
Go northeast until you reach a small cabin. Go inside and talk to the old man.
He says to go into the forest to the east and look for a mushroom at the base of a tree.
Go back to Loire and go to the Inn. Equip the Mushroom and talk to the man at the table in the inn. Give him the mushroom. Leave the inn and go out to the world map, then go back and talk to the guy in the inn again. He'll mix up a sleeping potion.
Go to the castle and go into the kitchen. Equip the sleeping potion and walk up to a pot.
Afterward, you will be sent out of the castle. Go back in and everyone will be asleep.
Go to the dungeon (left side of the first floor) and talk to White Wind, then check on the guard. Equip the Jail Key
He tells you to look behind an object in the King's room to find the entrance to the treasure room.
Keep going up and enter the middle room. You find the Princess standing there, awake.
Enter the king's room (on the right) and push the gold statue out of the way.
Find the Protect Bell
Leave the castle and go back through the desert to reach the nomads camp. Go into the northeast tent and equip a flower and speak to the silent child in the upper right tent. She'll tell you that she's Chija.
After you get a sleeping potion in Loire, you get the Protect Bell, allowing you to look for Storkolm in Norfest Forest.
Dog Whistle
2 M. Bulbs
Luck Potion
Life Potion
389 Gems
1+5x Gems
3 Magirocks
The Protect Bell will ring out.
You should come across a broken bridge. Go east to the next area
You find a chest. It contains the Dog Whistle.
Follow the path until you hear a scream behind you. Go north until you see bats surrounding somebody. Kill the bats to find Meilin. Talk to her. She'll start following you.
Cross the bridge and you find Storkolm.
It's an identical copy of Crysta! What the hell?
Quickly equip the dog whistle and blow it to make the wolves go away
In Elder's room, open the chests for the Portrait.
You can also check the weaver's place for some nice dialouge.
Then go back to Loire Castle.
Go into the throne room (it's on 2F). After Meilin leaves, go in and talk to the King.
You'll find yourself back at the Inn, with Meilin sleeping in the room next to you. Leave the room and you'll discover that the King has been murdered! Oh well he was such a tyrant anyway... Now the people are holding an election to decide the town's future.
The ballot box is north of the fountain. Vote for Jean. Otherwise, things won't go well for this town. After you vote, go up to the crowd in front of the fountain and they will say that they are tabulating the results. Go into a house and come back out, then walk up to the people in front of the fountain to hear the voting results.
If you leave Loire and come back, you will see that it has grown
You can do some things now that will cause Loire to be upgraded again later.
Talk to Matis and agree to take the painting
find Pierre. Talk to him and agree to help him. Repeat the process until he gives you his invention.
Go into the northeast house and agree to try the wine. Repeat this until it tastes good, then talk to the wine guy to receive a bottle of wine.
Finally, go into the house to the left of the Winery and go into the upper room. Talk to the girl in the upper-right corner. Agree to sell her clothes.
Now it's time to go where the old man told you to go in the dream.
On the world map, go southwest to the small village of Litz.
Talk to the people in the village to learn what's going on. Royd is in the Inn and says the princess disappeared. People say that Sylvain Castle is haunted, but there are rumored to be portraits with jewels in the eyes there.
Talk to everyone in the camp before you leave, because the camp will disappear as soon you leave.
While in the camp, you can get some gems for massaging the woman in the tent on the right.
Keep doing that until she pays you. You can do this as many times as you want.
Sylvain Castle is haunted, you must go to investigate.
L. Bulb
STR potion
DEF potion
651 Gems
3 Magirocks
Release a spirit near the upper part of the room. Allow it to follow you.
After the Soul Knight is dead, the bridge in the lower level extends.
Open the chests to get the Tower Key and the Icepick weapon
You unlocked with the Tower Key
Walk through the eastern wall and Yomi will push you to the other tower. Climb down the vine to get the Topaz.
Go back to the snake statues and examine the middle one. Put your hand into it. This makes the water turn blue.
Jump into the fountain in the middle to get the Sapphire.
Crawl into the small hole in the back wall and keep crawling upward until you get the Black Opal.
If you went into the library earlier, you would have found the number 286, which is the year that Columbus returned from his voyage. This is the number to enter in the machine.
Make sure that you are running diagonally before you jump. You can't change direction while jumping. Open the chests to get a Ruby
Go back to the paintings and the jewels will react. Afterward, there will be a big hole to the south
You fall into a dungeon. Four monsters spin around you. When they stop, hit the one behind you. The one behind you is always the real one.
Bloody Mary
Equip the LightRod to do the most damage.
When you are back in Litz, leave the hospital and go north and rest in the Inn.
During your sleep, there will be a cut scene. Agree to protect the princess.
After you wake up, go to the hospital. Talk to the woman behind the counter to get Fever Medicine.
Go to the harbor southwest of Litz. Talk to the captain and then talk to Fyda. Get on the ship.
When you wake up in the night, leave the room and fight the ghosts, only one of which is real. You can't harm them when they are whirlwinds. After they are gone, talk to the princess, then rest again.
Leave the ship and you get the Royal Letter, Equip it, then read it.
After you defeat Bloody Mary in Sylvain Castle, Columbus teaches the sailors and you can go to Freedom
You can use the camera here to take scenery photos.
There is a skateboarder in the town square in the northwest. Talk to him. After his performance, agree to meet his friends. Follow him.
Go into the house after he does. You will learn that Anita is missing.
Talk to Eddy. Agree to push the machine. Push the part of the machine that Eddy was standing in front of until it explodes.
Talk to a girl and agree to give the Fancy Clothes to her.

Equip the wine and talk to the girl in the red dress. Agree to let her try it.

Leave town and go north to Nirlake.

Go into the north middle house and talk to the girl. She's Amanda. She gives you a new message for Bell.
Go into the northwest house and talk to Mack. Tell him to grind the beef. Go back and talk to him again and tell him to put it in a bun.

Go east to reach another part of town. Go into the house. You can read the diary on the desk if you wish. Pick up the metal sheet on the ground near the diary. This is the Tin Sheet. While in this house, push the bookshelf to the right to find Anita hiding there. Talk to her.
Go back to Freedom and talk to Bell. Tell him the truth.
Go to the pub and talk to him, then leave and go back in and talk to him again.
Go back to his house to get a Magirock.
Now leave town and go northwest of Nirlake to reach Gumin Forest.
Kill the orange monsters, then check on the empty tree stumps. You will get a log from each one
. When the logs are empty, leave and go back into the forest. When you have nine logs, leave and go east into the cave. Talk to the man there.
Now you can cross the Colorado River. The crossing is west of Freedom.
In the crossing, equip the logs, then talk to the man who is standing there. Give him all nine logs. You have to see the same message nine times to do that. After you have given him all of the logs, leave the area, then come back in. The bridge is done. Cross it, picking up the Magirock on the way, and exit to the west.
On the west side of the Colorado River, go south. You should recognize this place. The cave entrance leads to the portal that you came through from Crysta so long ago. The small lake in the middle of the big lake is Evergreen. Go into Evergreen and find the chest on the east side to get a Stardew.
If you go south from Evergreen, you find a small area with a Magishop. You may have already gotten the Magirock from this area, but if not, get it now.
Go northeast. You will see a town, but ignore it for now. You will go back later
Instead, go as far south as you can go. You find an area where you can play a race game to win a Magirock.
Go north You find an hidden area get a life point
Go north from there along the mountains to find another hidden area. Talk to the bird here and choose !!! to fly to Greenland.
Go west from there and enter the cave. Throw the rocks in the cave to reach the chest, and open it to get 961 gems.
Go southeast from the cave to find the village of Penginea. Crawl into the southwest igloo to find a Magirock. Then equip a pretty flower and go to the southeast house. Talk to the penguin that keeps walking around in front of the igloo. You get a Starstone.
Go northeast from here to reach the town of Liotto.
you can play the Cream-a-Cat game to win a Magirock. In the game, you have to throw the balls at the cat-shaped boards.
Find Meilin standing at the Pink Cloud booth. Go to the north part of town Corcobad Hill. After you hear what Meilin has to say
Go to the Inn and sleep. Then head back to Corcobad Hill.
Go to the port that is south of Liotto. After the scene, talk the captain. Agree to fight the monsters
You'll be taken to Mermaid Tower.
At the bottom, you find Big Fish. Hit the purple fish when it comes close.
talk to the mermaid who is wearing a crown. She gives you the Engagement Ring.
Look for the treasure chest in the tower to find the SeaSpear.
Talk to the mermaids blocking the exit. They give you the WaterPin, which casts a protective spell if you use it.The captain will give you the boat. You can now sail to any empty port in the world.
Sail to Great Britain
And give the painting to Rich.
Go to Litz and give the Tin Sheet to the man in the house next to the church who talks about sardines.
Talk to him again afterward to get Tinned Sardines.
Go to Freedom and push Eddy's machine.
Talk to Bell and use the phone.
Sail to the South Pole
and go into the cave there to find a SeaMail
Then sail east from the north end of New Zealand to find Mu. If you did not resurrect Mu in the underworld, it won't be there.
If Mu is there, you can get an Enbu Pike and DEF Potion.

Welcome to Suncoast
Use the camera here to get pictures of the scenery.
Go to the north part of town and talk to the ranch owner to get Tasty Meat.
Go to New Zealand to find a hidden area that contains a Magirock.
Land on the two islands to the north of Australia
to get Speed Shoes, 378 gems, a Luck Potion, and 1403 gems.
Land in China and go to the town of Yunkou.
Go to the northeast of town to get a Magirock.
Find Chija's parents in a house near the northeast of town. Talk to the father twice. If you gave Chija a flower, they will decide to find her.
Now go to Neotokio, Japan.
You can get a Magirock in the southwest building, in the bottom-left room. You can also get a Magirock if you win the game in the noodle shop.
Go to the north part of town and check on the trash can to fight a ghost. Avoid the ghost while it spins. Wait for it to stop spinning. When it stops spinning, don't move. Wait for it to appear, fly away, then reappear. Try to hit it then. Eventually, you will defeat it, and it will turn into a chicken. Talk to the chicken.
When you are back outside, the Quintent Building will be there. In the Japanese version of this game, you can play a quiz game to win a Magirock. In the English version, you can just talk to the developers.
Now go to Alaska. Find the hidden area in a clearing in the eastern forest to get a STR Potion.

Go back to Freedom and give Stoma the Tasty Meat and Tinned Sardines. After each one, wait until he gives you 100 gems. After that, go into the back room and get the Magirock.
Go downstairs in the store in Freedom to find the Black Market. Pay the guy next to the cage to release Kingbird.
Now dock in Africa and look for the hidden area in the northwest part of the desert to get 1706 gems. Then go into the oasis and buy a Crystal.
Go give the Crystal to the craftsman in Litz. Also, be sure to talk to the sardines guy again.
Go to Sanctuar, which is in the mountains west of the Colorado River, and climb to the top of the north area to find the Kingbird that you released. Take the Magirock in front of him.
Now dock in Africa and look for the hidden area in the northwest part of the desert to get 1706 gems.
Then go into the oasis
And buy a Crystal.

Go give the Crystal to the craftsman in Litz. Also, be sure to talk to the sardines guy again.
Now you should be able to return to Loire and talk to Matis, the wineseller, and Marily (who opened her own shop), then go to the tollgate and go back in to find it expanded again.

Giving your photos to the tourism bureau if you used your camera in different cities, and so on.
Once you're done playing around, you can always head north to the chicken races.
Also, head east past the Taklama desert one last time and head to the Nomad's camp to discover Chija's parents came and picked her up.
After getting the Engagement Ring from Nana, you can sail your ship around the world, then reach Great Lakes Cavern
Air Herb
Magic Anchor
753 Gems
The Air Herb allows you to dive where there are bubbles in the water.
Fall down the far left side of the waterfall and you will land on a ledge where you can get the Magic Anchor.
the rocks on the floor and pick one up, then throw it at the dripping water on the right side of the room.
Enter the underwater passage you see and take the DrgnMail, then swim back out and to the left.
As you walk down the path you'll come to a seemingly dead end with a waterfall. Examine the waterfall closely and you'll notice that there's a spot brighter than the rest of the wall. It's (surprise surprise) a hidden passage
After the starfish are defeated, you get the HornPin. Gossie takes you to Will. Go up and talk to him.
He will take you back to Nirlake. He says that he needs metal prices to go down before he can build his airplane
Sail to Yunkou
Head to Chija's parents for another Magirock
When you're ready, go to Yunkou, which is in China. Go into the inn and go into the door on the right. You will find Fyda, who is sick in bed.
Then go to the building in the northwest of Yunkou and go into the room. Talk to the man and he says that Fyda needs Ginseng, but Lon Trading went out of business so you can no longer get any.
Go between the fruit-seller stand and the unmarked building to find the door to Lon Trading. Go upstairs and talk to Lon. Ask for Ginseng, then agree to make a deal with him. He says that he thinks his brother Wong bought Dragoon Castle and is buying and hoarding things at the castle. Agree to help find Wong. Lon gives you the Ginseng.

then go back to Fyda's room in the hotel and give her the Ginseng.
say "That's not true!" After the cut scene, Fyda will say that you have to hurry to Dragoon Castle. go outside.
Dragoon Castle
To help you get through Dragoon Castle, you should equip the Speed Shoes. If you don't have the Speed Shoes, get in your ship and sail to the two islands north of Australia. The Speed Shoes are there.

Perel is there. He will skateboard past the guard. After that, you can go north to enter the castle.
You'll see Elle chained to the wall!! But then she disappears. Go south and you discover that you have been locked up. Meilin will talk to you.
Afterward, go to the north part of the jail cell and you will hear someone ask if anyone is there. Say yes. Fyda will send a chain down. Go onto the chain and climb up. After you talk to Fyda, leave the room through the south door.
Go in. Go east and up the stairs, then go northeast.
You will see another vision of Elle. After this, Fyda will follow you. Go back the way you came. You will find Meilin at the bottom of the room. Talk to her. You seem to be trapped again, but Perel busts open the door. After Perel and Fyda leave, talk to Meilin for a hint about finding the Princess. Then go through the door that Perel opened.
Return to the castle entrance (just let a guard catch you) and go inside the castle. Then go to the left, where there are some stairs. Go up, then go northwest and go through the door there.
In this room, throw pots at the candles to blow them out. Then a door opens in the north wall. Go through.

You see a statue in this room. Go to the wall across from the statue and check on the wall. You will notice a switch (but if you didn't see the cut scenes in the east side of the castle, you won't see the switch). Push it, then go north and through the door that opened.
Go up and talk to the Princess. Watch the cut scenes. Leave the room, then you encounter Meilin, who says she'll show you the secret exit.
Eventually you will be outside the castle and Perel says to visit Will at Nirlake.
Go to the dock and sail to Freedom, then go north to Nirlake. Go to Will's house in the northeast and talk to Will.
Now you can go south to the runway next to Freedom. Fly to Mosque, which is the only other place in the world where there is an airplane runway.
Go north to Mosque and you can talk to the people to find out more about this Beruga guy. There is also a Magirock in one of the houses, and you can buy things at the shop or sleep in the inn.
Be sure to go east from Mosque and you can go over a bridge into the snowy area.

There is a cave northwest of the bridge where you can get the BlockRod.

Then when you're ready go south from Mosque to reach Beruga's Lab.
Beruga's Lab
Lab 1F
you will find a chest that contains SoulArmr.

check on the machine. After Yomi talks to you, check on the machine again. It has some information that you can read if you're interested.
Now go back the way you came until you reach the elevator. Get in and flip the switch on the right to go farther down
It's time to fight the Security Robot.
After the feet are destroyed, the robot says "NOT FINISHED YET. ONE LAST TRICK" and sends some tiny robots to attack you. Kill these, and you're done.
Follow Beruga. Then talk to the zombie that Beruga is looking at. Then try to approach Beruga.
You will wake up in a bed, and Meihou will tell you to see Kumari. Get out of bed and go through the east door, then go north until you reach Kumari. Talk to him.
Then you can go back and talk to Meihou in the room where you woke up. He will tell you where to find the Starstones: in an icy village, a hot and arid land, a town that has died, an ancient temple, and a high rock tower. You can sleep in the bed in this room to heal up.
Then go north to Nirlake
He'll give you the Nirlake Letters. Go east to reach Will's house. Talk to him and he will agree to help.
Go south to Freedom and talk to Bell and Eddy. Sail to Great Britain and talk to Rich. Then sail south to Europe and go to Litz. Talk to the sardines guy. Leave town and go northeast past the tollgate, then go east to Loire. Talk to Pierre, Matis, Marily, and the wine guy.
Then sail back to Freedom, then go north to Nirlake. There is a Magirock in the north part of town.
Then sail back to Freedom, then go north to Nirlake. There is a Magirock in the north part of town.
Suncoast, Give the fever medicine to the pair at the Inn, they'll give you a Waterpin
Now sail to Neotokio. Go to the northwest part of town to find the police station (with a red light over the door). Go in. You'll hear a sound coming from the desk. Check the desk in different places until you get the Transceiver.
Go into the small building in the southeast of town. Go into the middle of the room and enter the door. Then continue along and you will reach the sewer.
Neotokio Sewers
Follow the straightforward path, being careful of the Lobbers along the way. They can steal your cash. At the end of the path, you find a door. Open it and go in. After hearing from the transceiver again, crawl into the hole in the wall on the right, and go up. Open the chest to get the Sewer Key. Go back the way you came until you are at the locked door from earlier. Open it and go in.
The girl will come out, but the lion will chase her.
Get KingArmr.
Follow the path from here and you will reach the girl and the lion. After a cut scene, talk to the girl and you will get a Starstone. Now you can leave the sewer.
Sail southeast to South America. Land at the dock on the west coast of South America, and walk north to Astarica. Go north and check on the goblets. Go south and talk to the old guy. Then go north and push the northern statue aside, then go through the door that was behind it.
There are two statues in this room. Push each one up the narrow passageway, then push the statue into an empty slot in the back wall. When both statues are in place, a door will open. Go through it.
Follow the path and you will find a chest that contains a HolySuit. Keep following the path and you also find a Magirock. Keep going until you reach the next area. Eventually you see a cut scene. Talk to Elle, then check on any goblet.
Now open the chest behind the goblets to get a Starstone.
Sail to Alaska, then go to the small forest in northwest of Alaska to find Stopover. Talk to the bird here and choose !!! to fly to Greenland. Go west from there and enter the cave. Throw the rocks in the cave to reach the chest, and open it to get 961 gems. Go southeast from the cave to find the village of Penginea. Crawl into the southwest igloo to find a Magirock. Then equip a pretty flower (if you don't have one, you will have to get one from Loire) and go to the southeast house. Talk to the penguin that keeps walking around in front of the igloo. You get a Starstone.
Sail to Australia and go into the mountain.
Go to the top of the mountain and talk to the man. Listen to him and he will give you a Starstone.
Sail to the west coast of Africa. Go northeast to the Savannah. Walk around the northeastern part of the desert to find a secret area.
Walk north and check on the bones to get the final Starstone.
Go to the South Pole and land at the southernmost dock. Go north into the desert.
Then go north to the giant skulls and equip the Starstones. Press X at each skull to put a Starstone in.
Chapter 4: Resurrection of the Hero
After you gather all the starstones and put them in place in Antarctica
A long cut scene will take place. Afterward, go up to the door and talk to Elle. After another cut scene, go down and talk to the Elle from the surface. After another cut scene, touch the box to get the Hero Pike and Hero Armor. Equip them and leave. Exit the house and there will be a cut scene.
Now leave town. There are monsters near where you exit. You can use the Bone Pin to quickly warp to the entrance. If you want to go through the forest instead, go south, then east to the next area. Go north from there. Then go east and you will reach a dark area. Go southeast and you will reach "Bridge". Unfortunately, the bridge is broken so you will have to take the long way out of here. Go east, then north to another dark area. Go clockwise and then use the southeast exit (not the one with rocks around it). Go south, then follow the path around to the next area, where there are worms coming out of the tree trunks. Go southwest, then make your way to the northwest exit. Go west to the next area and then south from the bridge. Go south, then west, then south a couple of times. Then you can go south to get out of the forest.
From Norfest, walk around until you find a dock where you can get in your ship. Then sail to Freedom and use the air strip there to fly to Mosque. From there, walk east to Siberia. Go as far east as you can to reach the Lab Tower.
Lab Tower
After the resurrection of the hero, you get the Hero's armor and weapon, and are summoned to the Lab Tower in Siberia.
Lab Tower
Talk to the old man. Then you can go north. Meilin will disable the cameras. Wait (a while) then Meilin will talk again. Go north. In the camera room, go north again. Meilin will camouflage you so you can go past the robots. Go west and south. Go farther south and a crane will grab your head. On the other side, talk to Perel. Follow him. When he says it's all clear, go north and talk to him again. Then go east from where he's standing.
Go east and go up the stairs that you find. Go south, past the cubes, then use the west exit. Fyda will show up. Go up to the switch to the north and check on it. She'll flip the switch with you. Go south, then west, then go north to the next area. Follow the path and you will find a Magirock. Go east from there.
Go upstairs, then exit west. Go west and then use the southwest exit. Follow the path, which is straightforward, until Royd shows up. Go north through the door that he opens, then go up the stairs.
In the next area there are a bunch of red Colossus. They give the most EXP of any enemy in the game, so if you feel like grinding, do it here. You can go into the side rooms and come back out again to reset the enemies. There is one room in particular, near the bottom left, where a Colossus spawns right outside of it. Go into that room and then go out of it, doing a dash attack downward followed by a dash attack to the right, then another dash to the left to kill the Colossus. If you do it correctly, the Colossus won't hurt you and you will quickly gain EXP. You can go back into the room while the robot is exploding (you don't need to wait for the robot to disappear to get the EXP). It's best to be level 30 or more before you continue.
You can meet Meihou, Meilin, and Perel in the rooms here. In Meihou's room, there is a Life Potion. Go into the southwest room and flip the switch, then leave the room and go southeast. Go through the open door there. Then fall into the hole.
Go east into the Airship. Talk to Fyda to get Time Bombs. Equip the Time Bombs, then go to the computer behind where Fyda and Royd were. Press X to put a bomb on it.
Go east and you'll be outside. Go east and you'll be back inside. Then go north to go up some stairs that take you outside once more. Go south from there to reach another area, then go into the door to the east to get into the ship again. Go east to exit the ship yet again, then go north until you're back in the ship again. Go east to find Royd. Talk to him, then set a bomb behind where he was.
Go back the way you came until you are back at the four-way crossroads inside the ship. Go north and up some stairs to find Fyda. Talk to her, then put bombs on the two computers in this room.
Go back downstairs, then go north. You will see a path to the east and west. Use one of these exits and follow the path outside the ship until you are back inside. Go to the center of this room to find a computer guarded by two robots. Kill the robots, then plant the time bomb.
Go back the way you came until you are in the ship again. Go north until you reach two more computers. Put time bombs on them.
From this room, go south until you meet Royd and Fyda. Then go south and watch the cut scene. Afterward, go south and talk to the gull. Choose the first option.
You'll land on Airsrock. Talk to the scientist. He'll say that the object looks like it landed in South America.
On your way to South America, you might want to visit a shop to stock up on L.Bulbs and whatever else you think you might need for the final battle.
Go to Crysta, which is just west of where you arrived. Then go north into the Elder's house and go to the Elder. If you talk to your friends in the house, they will turn into spirits that float around and hurt you. Go talk to the Elder. Follow him.
Dark Gaia
After that, go talk to everybody, then sleep in your bed.
Congratulations! You won the game!
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