10.1 Overworld Goodies
With the Titan’s Mitt, Link now has access to both the Ice Palace and Misery Mire, which can be completed in any order. Furthermore, there are plenty of Overworld goodies that Link can now collect.

Exit the Village of Outcasts to the south and walk westward to find a frog-like creature bouncing around. Now that Link has the Titan’s Mitt, he can lift the heavy skulls that are in the way. Speak with frog and he will begin to follow you. Return to the Village of Outcasts and head east a screen.


Use Magic Mirror and the frog will turn into a swordsmith. Enter the house here to reunite the two swordsmiths, then exit the house and reenter it. Speak with the swordsmiths and they’ll offer to temper your sword for just 10 rupees.


Exit the house and head back left a screen. Then walk right a screen and re-enter the house. Speak with the swordsmiths to get back your Tempered Sword. This item will allow Link to deal significantly more damage.


Step back into the portal to return to the Dark World. Walk over to the area where the smith’s house had been in the Light World. Just south of the house there are a number of stakes. Pound all of them with your Magic Hammer and a staircase will appear. Walk down into the cave and grab the Piece of Heart that is found here.


In the Dark World, make your way to where the swordsmiths’ house was and you’ll find a treasure chest that has been left behind. Walk up to it to examine it. Link is unable to open it, but it will it will follow behind Link when he walks around. Link cannot use the Pegasus Shoes during this time, as it will cause the treasure chest to be left behind. Lift the rock and walk west to reach the Village of Outcasts.


Use the Magic Mirror to return to the Light World. If you have the Flute, use it and warp over to location 7 in the Great Swamp. From there walk westward as if you are heading towards the Desert. Speak to the man that is sitting next to the sign post and agree not to tell his secret. He will open the treasure chest for you, giving you the 4th and final Bottle.


Use the Flute and warp over to the 6th location in the Desert. Lift the heavy rock to the right and step into the portal to enter the Dark World.


Jump off the ledge and run northward. Enter the pathway at the northwest portion of the swamp to reach a cave. There are a pair of treasure chests here, one containing some rupees and another containing a Piece of Heart.


Back outside in the swamp area, make your way to the northeast corner of the swamp. Stand near the corner and use the Magic Mirror to return to the Light World. Lift the large rock here and enter the cave to find another Piece of Heart. Push the blocks out of the way to reach the Heart Piece.



At this point you are now ready to tackle either the Ice Palace or Misery Mire. The Ice Palace is the next ordered dungeon, and can be found just below on this page. However, Misery Mire is right nearby and can also be accessed. Note, if you are playing the Super Nintendo version of the game, or any subsequent releases of it, getting the item from Misery Mire will make the Ice Palace a bit easier. If you are playing the Game Boy Advance version, there is no advantage to doing Misery Mire first.