Năm 1792 và đến thời điểm Richter bước vào cuộc chiến cuối cùng với Dracula. Sau 5 năm kể từ lúc Richter giết chết Dracula , Alucard con trai của Dracula xuất hiện

Castlevania symphony of the night - Rom Iso :    

*******************  1. Richter Belmont  ****************

Begin Game

Phần giới thiệu đầu câu truyện


Nhảy lên , đánh bể mảng tường phía trên, nhấn nút và một lối đi sẽ mở ra, từ đó sẽ đi xuống một nấc thang khác. Trèo lên cái thang này và bạn sẽ tìm thấy một số vật phẩm , ngay cả khi nó không giúp bạn ( Tốt nhất đừng lấy những vật phẩm này vì để dành cho nhân vật khác)

Thoát khỏi căn phòng bí mật và đi thẳng vào cuộc đối đầu với Dracula. Khúc đối thoại nảy lửa , để nguyên tiếng Anh cho nó sát nghĩa. Đại ý là Richter tiêu diệt Dracula, còn Dracula thì nói chú chưa đủ tầm

Richter: Die monster. You don't belong in this world!
Dracula: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by... humans... who wish to pay me tribute.
Richter: Tribute? You steal men's souls, and make them your slaves!
Dracula: Perhaps the same can be said of all religion.
Richter: Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you...
Dracula: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!


Dracula khi bị mất một nữa bình máu thì sẽ biến hình. Nhưng cuối cùng cũng bị Richter giết, liệu mọi chuyện có đơn giản vậy không, hay đây chỉ là một cái bẫy khủng khiếp danh cho Richter

Lưu ý : 
· Nếu bạn hạ gục Dracula trước một phút thì bạn được 1 chỗ luyện tập miển phí ở phần Time Attack option.
· Nếu bạn hạ gục Dracula mà không dùng tới các loại vũ khí đặc biệt như Holy water, ... thì bạn sẽ đuợc cộng 10 giọt máu khi Alucard bắt đầu chơi.
· Nếu bạn hạ gục Dracula mà không cần Maria cứu giúp thì bạn sẽ đuợc cộng 10 giọt máu khi Alucard bắt đầu chơi.

**************   2. Walkthrough  **************

1. Entry Hall - Sảnh lối vào


Quay trở về hiện tại sau 5 năm kể từ lúc Richter giết chết Dracula, Alucard lướt như bay từ ngoài vào lâu đài

Đi qua một căn phòng tối, nơi có hai con sói Warg, zombie sẽ trồi lên từ mặt đất

Tới căn phòng lớn với những con dơi ở trên trần nhà. Phá tảng đá được đùi gà POT ROAST ( vật phẩm bơm máu)

Sang phòng tiếp theo có 3 con sói Warg. Cuối phòng, phá vỡ cầu thang lấy được gà tây

Alucard gặp boss Death, hắn sẽ lấy hết bộ vũ khí và trang bị và biến mất. Hắn muốn thử sức con trai của Dracula, và hạ nhục bạn. Hãy sang phòng tiếp theo và leo lên cầu thang và nhảy qua khoảng trống để vào phòng tiếp theo.

Gặp con Bone Scimitar, giết nó và lươm được short sword.Trang bị cho Alucard, xài tạm vì đồ bị lột sạch rồi


Giết bộ xương; nó sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một Red Rust (cây kiếm màu đỏ như lửa). Đi vào phòng bên trái bộ xương và lưu game (cũng là nơi bơm máu - mana miễn phí, là ô vuông màu đỏ trong bản đồ)


Sau đó đi lên và lấy Cube of Zoe ( Cho bạn có thể lấy  trái tim hồi mana khi đánh các ngọn nến) . Qua cánh cửa bên trái và bạn sẽ ở khu vực mới Alchemy Laboratory.


2 Alchemy Laboratory - Phòng thí nghiệm giả kim

Map 3.2

Đạp nút màu vàng để hạ bàn chông và lấy Hide Cuirass (thuốc tăng 2 điểm phòng thủ - các loại thuốc xài chỉ có tác dụng sau một thời gian)


Đi lên trên và qua bên phải để tới phòng lưu game


Qua trái đánh ngọn nến trên bàn để lấy cái khiên Leather shield (Khỏi trang bị, vì ít khi xài)


Đi lên, đến phòng tiếp theo đánh ngọn nến lấy tuyệt chiêu ném dao Knife sub weapon (mỗi lần xài chiêu sẽ tốn mana)


Leo lên, qua phòng bên trái, đánh bể bức tường, vào căn phòng ẩn đó, lấy được heart max up sẽ tăng lượng máu (HP) tối đa


Đánh bể sàn nhà, rơi xuống có được  life max up , tăng số trái tim tối đa ( thanh mana để xai chiêu á)


Đi lên và đến phòng tiếp theo. Đánh bể mấy bình thủy tinh trên ban lấy được thuốc Resist thunder (thuốc kháng sét)


Phòng tiếp theo, có hai bẫy chông gai và một hộp vuông. Đạp công tắc để hạ hai bẫy chông


Đẩy thùng qua phải, bật công tắc để nâng bàn chông và thùng lên. Tạo ra lối đi lên trên

Leo lên sẽ tìm thấy áo choàng vải cloth cape (trang bị vào). Bây giờ quay trở lại chỗ hai bàn chông và leo lên lối đi bên trái.


Nhảy lên vào phòng lưu

Leo lên tiếp nếu đánh vào ngọn nến, một vũ khí tuyệt chiêu rìu Axe sub weapon. Tuyệt chiêu Dao ném dao theo phương ngang, tuyệt chiêu rìu ném rìu theo hình vòng cung từ trên rơi xuống. Rìu mạnh hơn, chậm hơn và hao mana hơn dao. Sắp đánh boss (mình xài chiêu rìu ném)


Slogra and Gaibon

Boss Gaibon là con dơi bay tấn công bằng cách khạc lửa còn Slogra cầm giáo đánh cận chiến. Đôi lúc  Gaibon sẽ nhặt Slogra và ném vào bạn


Khi máu Gaibon thấp hơn 100 HP sẽ chuyển sang màu đỏ và bắn những quả cầu lửa lớn hơn vào bạn.
Sau mỗi trận đánh thắng boss, luôn có phần thưởng là heart max up


3. Alchemy Laboratory - Khu vực thí nghiệm giả kim 

Map 3

Sau khi đánh bại boss, qua bên phải, leo lên trên tới phòng lưu


Rơi xuống và đi qua hành lang bên phải, nơi có mấy con bloody zombie. Đi thang máy xuống dưới lấy được mắt kính  sunglasses (trang bị vào)


Đi thang máy xuống dưới tiếp, qua trái, bắn đại bác để phá tường gỗ, lấy được dao găm Basilard (chỉ được cái đánh nhanh, chứ yếu và phạm vi đánh ngắn)


Quay lại chỗ cũ, chỗ phòng lưu lần cuối sau khi đánh boss. Nhảy lên trên đỉnh


Qua một hành lang dài với mấy con bloody zombies.


Nhảy xuống , ở cái bàn đánh mấy lọ thủy tinh để lấy được potion (bơm máu). Mở cửa , tới khu vực mới Marble Gallery


4 Marble Gallery - Phòng triển lãm 

Map 4

Qua một hành lang, và rơi xuống. Chỗ này bên phải là phòng lưu game

Đi xuống, gặp quái bộ xương Slinger ném xương sườn của mình theo hình vòng cung. Còn gặp mấy con búp bê Marionette bay lơ lửng, cái đầu có thể quay ra sau 180 độ.

Tiếp tục sang bên trái để tìm một quả cầu Spirit orb (hiển thị máu kẻ thù bị mất, sau mỗi khi bạn tấn công)


Đi xuống dưới tới khu hành lang có tường nền màu đỏ

Gặp con Plate Lord, sử dụng chùy xích. Cản thận kẻo chết, vì nó mạnh hơn mình khá nhiều, ở thời điểm này


Rơi xuống sẽ gặp 3 con bộ xương Skelerang chuyên ném Boomerangs. Gặp mấy hồn ma Ghosts sẽ xuất hiện ngẫu nhiên bất cứ ở chỗ nào


Đi tiếp thấy một con Ctulhu có vỗ cánh bay, và bắn quả cầu phép thuật. Cẩn thận kẻo chết vì nó cũng khá mạnh. Sau đó đi qua cửa lấy một lọ thuốc Shield potion (tăng phòng thủ). Bạn đã đi một vòng về lại Phòng thí nghiệm giả kim


Nhìn bản đồ, đi ngược lại tới chỗ phòng lưu lần cuối ở Marble Gallery - Phòng triển lãm


Sau đó, khi bạn đã trở lại nơi lưu phòng, điều tiếp theo cần làm là đi lên và tiếp tục đi đúng.


Từ phòng lưu game đó, đi lên trên và sang phải. Sẽ tới khu vực có nhiều đồng hồ ở phía sau, và có một cuộc nói chuyện với Maria, em gái Richter (cô ấy đang đi tìm dũng sĩ Richter, người đã đánh nhau với Dracula lúc đầu game, và đã bị mất tích kể từ thời điểm đó đến này, cũng 5 năm rồi)


Maria: Wait a moment, You seem human and yet... What do you here?
Alucard: ......... I've come to destroy this castle.
Maria: Then we have the same purpose. I'll trust you for now. I'm Maria. Who are you?
Alucard: Alucard.
Maria: Not the talkative type I can see. Well, perhaps we meet again, if you live that long. Farewell.

5. Marble Gallery - Phòng triển lãm

Map 5

Nói chuyện xong, đi tiếp qua phải. Tới chỗ phân nhánh có ba lối đi này


Chọn lối đi xuống và bên phải, tới một hành lang dài có 2 con Red Roses và 3 con Diplomatesus


Đi qua cánh cửa và tới khu vực mới Outer wall


6. Outer Wall - Tòa tháp bên ngoài

Map 6

Vừa mở cửa qua khu vực mới này, nhảy qua bậc thềm bên phải, đập bể cái lọ, lấy cái được nhẫn Zircon


Đi xuống dưới, vào một căn phòng bên trái, đập bể tường lấy được đùi gà Pot Roast. Đứng vào trong bước tường bị đập bể đó, chờ khoảng hơn 10 giây. Sẽ có một thang máy đưa bạn xuống căn phòng ẩn bên dưới. lấy được bao tay Jewel Knuckle và giáp Mirror Cuirass (trang bị vào nếu thấy mạnh hơn)


Đi thang máy lên, để ra lại lối đi chính và rơi xuống tiếp khám phá khu bên dưới. Ở dưới cùng có 1 cái kính viễn vọng, khi nhìn vào sẽ thấy người lái đò. Có một bộ bàn ghế, nếu ngồi vào và chờ bạn sẽ có một quả trứng phục sinh về câu chuyện về những con chim làm tổ dưới lâu đài. Để xem được đoạn phim đó bạn sẽ phải ngồi liên tục khoảng 5-6 lần gì đó, mỗi lần ngồi chờ cũng khoảng 15s để xem một cảnh


Bây giờ đi lên trên, trên cả nơi bạn lượm được cái nhẫn Zircon . Qua trái sẽ có phòng lưu, chuẩn bị đánh boss


6 DoppleGanger 1 

Con boss này là một con quái giả mạo y chang Alucard, nó khá nhanh


Nếu bạn lấy được tuyệt chiêu cái đồng hồ , đánh mấy ngọn nến ở khu vực đồng hồ (chỗ gần nơi nói chuyện Maria). Với tuyệt chiêu cái đồng hồ, đông cứng thời gian, con boss sẽ bị bất động và bạn tha hồ đánh nó tơi bời. Đây là con boss duy nhất bị bất động bới tuyệt chiêu đồng hồ nhé, mấy con sau toàn bộ sẽ miễn nhiễm với chiêu này


Outer Wall - Tòa tháp bên ngoài

Map 6

Sau khi boss chết, qua phòng cạnh lấy được kiếm Gladius.


Tới tòa tháp bên ngoài, có thể có sương mù. Hình dáng tòa tháp như một cái giếng trời thông lên trên cao vút. Nhảy qua bậc thềm bên phải lấy được life max up.


Nhảy lên trên gạp một số quái vật mới skeleton ape (bộ xương cầm thùng thuốc nổ), spear guard (ninja xài thương dài), ax knight (giáp ném búa), and archer (bộ xương cung thủ) and bone musket (mấy con màu tím cầm súng săn). Mệt nhất là mấy con quái đầu xanh đầu vàng bay bay, chạm vào là bị hóa thành đá

Lên cao hơn hơn thang máy, sẽ tìm được phòng có cổng dịch chuyển, vào phồng đó nó sẽ dịch chuyển tới một cổng dịch nơi khác. Nhặt lấy heart max up , đạp công tắc để kéo bức tường gỗ lên. Quay lại cổng dịch chuyển để tiếp tục khám phá giếng trời Outer wall


Then go up and fight a sword lord, then go up and to the left to find a switch hit it 3 times and the elevator should be activated.

Đi lên, đánh vào cái cần gạt để khởi động cỗ máy này. Lấy được heart max up ở cái lọ bên cạnh


Lên tới đỉnh, là phòng lưu game

Rồi đi xuống chỗ cái tháng máy, giờ nó đã hoạt dộng, lấy được linh hồn chó sói soul of the wolf
(Giờ bạn có thể biến hình thành chó sói). Dùng thang máy đi xuống tầng dưới, giờ tìm đường quay lại Phòng đồng hồ (nơi nói chuyện với Maria)


7 Returning to the clock room

Muốn vậy phải tới khu Marble gallery (phòng triển lãm), hãy kiếm được tuyệt chiêu cái đồng hồ clock sub-weapon . Nếu bạn quên chỗ, thì đánh ngọn nến ở hình dưới bên phải


Trong phòng đồng hồ chính, có hai bức tượng ở mỗi bên bịt lối đi lên trên. Tượng bên phải sẽ mở ra khi bạn sử dụng vũ khí phụ đồng hồ (chiêu đông cứng thời gian đó). Tượng bên trái mở đóng sau mỗi phút trong trò chơi.

Để nhảy đi lối đi bên phải. Alucard hóa thành sói, nhảy lên , nhấn xuống-lên-nhảy để nhảy lên cao hơn, biến lại thành Alucard lại nhấn xuống-lên-nhảy  để đạp ngọn nến sẽ giúp bạn đi leo lên được lối bên phải
Mình phải mất gần 15 phút mới làm được cái trò này,  nếu làm không làm được thì để sau này bạn có đồ nhảy bật hai lần quay lại cũng được. Còn giờ với mèo này bạn có thể lấy được vật phẩm xịn, sớm hơn


Lấy được khiên Alucart shield (nếu trang bị chung cùng bộ với kiếm Alucard Swort và giáp Alucard Mail thì sẽ tăng tuần tự +30 Luck (may mắn), +30HP (máu) ) and a Heart max up.


Phòng tiếp lấy được Alucart mail and Alucart sword (đây là bộ Alucard giả nhé, tên của nó là Alucart, khác chữ t, nên không xịn bằng bộ Alucard thật sự đầu game bị boss Death tước đoạt đâu, đặc biệt thanh kiếm không có chiêu dịch chuyển tức thời như cây kiếm thật Alucard)

Trang bị bộ Alucard giả vào, sẽ được + 30 Luck, đồng thời điểm tấn công và tầm đánh xa của kiếm này cũng xa hơn mấy cây kiếm cũ


Làm tương tự, để leo lên được lối đi bên trái, lấy được Life max up , mở cánh cửa đỏ để qua khu vực mới olrox's quarter

8 Olrox's Quarters - 

Map 8

Lên trên, tới khúc ngả tư chỗ này

Qua phải, đập bể tường giả

Tìm thấy 3 bình lớn chứa pho mai Cheese, nhẫn Onyx (+10 ATT), kiếm Broadsword.

Quay lại chỗ ngã tư, đi lên sẽ gặp kiếm ma Spectral Sword. nếu có chiêu đông cứng thời gian, thì giết nó dễ như bỡn

Băng qua hành lang phía tren, bên phải. Cẩn thận với kiếm sĩ màu cam Blade, . Mở cửa màu đỏ để tới phòng dịch chuyển

Không vào phòng dịch chuyển. Quay lại chỗ ngã tư, chỗ cây kiếm ma, đi qua lối đi bên trái

Sẽ thấy cánh cửa màu đỏ để qua khu vực mới Colossseum

9 Colosseum - Đấu trường 

Căn Phòng ngay bên dưới là phòng lưu game

Căn phòng dưới cùng bên phải lấy được Heart Max up


Đi tiếp qua trái sẽ tới phòng tra tấn nhặt được áo choàng đẫm máu Blood cloak


Quay lại chỗ phòng lưu đầu tiên khi vào khu đấu trường này, leo lên và đi về bên trái, tới chỗ song sắt không thể đi qua


Đi lên trên băng qua một hành lang dài, có vài con quái mới

Nhìn vào bản đồ tổng thể ở trên , đi khám phá các phòng nhỏ bên dưới lấy được Grave Keeper,  Green tea và đặc biệt là vũ khí Shield rod . Vũ khí này đánh chậm, sát thương không cao, nhưng có chiêu riêng rất xịn. Trang bị một tay Shield và tay kia là cái khiên bất kì nào. Nhấn cả hai nút đánh tay trái và tay phải, sẽ xài được tuyệt chiêu, tùy vào cái khiên bạn cầm mà sẽ có những chiêu tấn công, phòng thủ khác nhau khác nhau.

Phụ lục 
Sức mạnh của Shield rod  khi kết hợp với khiên

Một chiêu khác của Shield rod . Nhấn lui-tới + đánh, quăng ra một ngôi sao ở gần đó và sẽ đỡ đạn cho bạn một lát, không thể tấn công

   Khiên Leather Shield,  Tăng phòng thủ +20 DEF

  Khiên Armored Knight's Shield, Tăng sức đánh +20 ATT

 Khiên Shaman, tăng +20 INT

Khiên Herald Shield, kháng lửa và sét

Khiên Fire Shield, thả rồng lửa ra tấn công

Khiên Goddess Shield, kháng đòn tấn công bóng tối

Khiên AxeLord Shield, Triệu hồi người búa tấn công địch

Khiên Dark Shield, tấn công địch bằng mưa thiên thạch

Khiên Iron Shield, Triều hồi kiếm lớn tấn công địch

Khiên Skull Shield, bắn ra tia laze

Khiên Medusa Shield, bắn ra tia lửa tấn công

Khiên Alucart Shield, khiên giả, chả có tác dụng , còn làm tốn mana

Khiên Alucard Shield, khiên linh hồn, dùng khiên chạm vào quân địch, sẽ gây mất máu đồng thời bơm máu cho alucard

Khiên Woodland Shield, tấn công bằng linh hồn rừng cây

Quay lại nhiệm vụ chính. Phía trên phòng nhặt lấy sheild rob, là phòng lưu


Nhảy lên qua trái nhặt được khiên Knight shield

Đạp công tắc, để hạ bước tường sắt xuống. Quay lại đi qua phải, nhặt được library card. Chuẩn bị đánh boss


Boss Minotaur and Werewolf 

Tìm thấy được dũng sĩ Richter, nhưng anh ta đã thay đổi, anh ta nói sau khi đánh bại Dracula anh ta là chủ lâu đài này. Sau đó thả boss ra , còn richter ngồi nhâm nhi ly rượu và thưởng thức màn giết chóc. Tài sao một dũng sĩ loài người lại biến thành thủ lĩnh ác ma, anh ta có biết em gái Maria đang tìm


Cuộc đối thoại đầu tiên của hai dũng sĩ.
Alucard: Who are you?!
Richter: Open Hell's gate! Come forth my servants!
Alucard: The scent of your blood... You're a Belmont!
Richter: Crush this flea who invades my castle!

Lấy Life max up, đi tiếp


Đừng đạp công tắc, nhảy qua bên kia lấy được Form of Mist (phép biến hình thành sương mù, sẽ giúp bay được trong quãng ngắn, xuyên qua một số vật thể như song sắt)


Mở túi đồ ra, xài vật phẩm Library Card (đã nhặt trước khi đánh boss) , để tới khu vực Library


10 Library - Thư viện

Map 10

Go to left if you used the library card, and buy the Jewel of open and the Castle map.
Alucard: It's been a long time, old one...
Librarian: Oh It's you, Master Alucard. What do you need?
Alucard: I need your help.
Librarian: Young master. I cannot aid one who opposes the Master.
Alucard: You won't go unrewarded...
Librarian: Really? In that case just tel me what you need.

Now go to the right, to the main room of the library.

Kill the first two books of this room, and return to the door at the left.

Now you have to transform in wolf, and start running (->->), then jump backwards and you will jump really high, then use the mist form to be able to get in the platform above. Continue going left until you find a save room.

Then you'll find a lot of enemies in the corridor, make your way to the next room.

Go down and follow the stairs down, and continue until the room closes and prepare to fight the Lesser Demon

Lesser Demon (Boss)

Try to kill it fast, since it start summoning monster and it's invulnerable while doing it.

Take the Life max up and continue on to find the items Takemitsu, onyx & Frankfurther.

Turn into the mist to cross over the cage, then take the Soul of Bat relic, which allows Alucard to turn into a bat.

Exploring the Long Library
Backtrack and now with the help of the bat form, reach the upper section of this room.

Go to the right, taking care of the flea armors and make your way to the room at the upper right corner.

Once in the room, hit the candle and we will get a stone mask.

Now keep walking by the bookshelves to move them, we will find the holy rod and the topaz circlet.

Backtrack to the save room, and continue.

Once again in the main room of the library, turn into a bat and go to the room just above.

On this room we are going to find an antivenom, poton & Faerie Card.

Return, and now go to the right of the room, keep going right and up if possible.

We will end up getting the Faerie Scroll, which allows us to see the enemies names.

Get rid of the Magic tomes, and don't forget to use the bat form to get the map coverage of the library.

Once the upper part completed of the library main room, go down all the way until we are out of the main room.

Go to the left, to find some Flea man, and at the end a Bronce cuirass.

Backtrack, and keep going left until we arrive at the beginning of the library

11 Clock room + Gravity Boots +  Echo of Bat

Map 11

Before going directly to the Colosseum, you can go to the clock room, and use the bat form to enter the acces in the middle of the ceiling, getting access to some items and the Gravity Boots.

To use gravity boots: Down, Up+Jump (reall fast)

Alucard can use the Gravity Boots to lift the Librarian's chair up from the room beneath where he is sitting. For doing this once, he will drop a Life Vessel. After this, the player must repeatedly perform high jumps in order to lift the chair without hitting the Librarian against the ceiling, with the Axe Lord Armor and a Ring of Arcana being the rewards. The Dracula Tunic is also available, but will not drop until Alucard has visited the Reverse Castle at least once.

Once in the Colosseum, go all the way to the left, then up

This time we are going to break the ceiling, to do so, use the bat form and the holy rod, get close to the ceiling, and transform back to Alucard and hit it, revealing a secret room.

Go inside and there is going to be a Holy sword.

Get back again to Olrox's quarters, and this time we are going to the room just before the transporter.

Use the bat form to go up, in the little hole on the ceiling, on the way up we are going to find a Mana prismresist fire and a Luck potion.

Once in the top, continue going left until you find a vessel which contains an Estoc, then jump down.

We are going to be on a big part of the Castle, before exploring at all we are going to go to the upper left cornet of the room.

Continue going through the corridor until you find another door, which leads to a boss room.

He have 666hp, is level 25, most of his attacks in this form are magic based.

After beating him, he's going to transform, in this form he only has three attacks. He has 800 HP and 4 Defense. Still, this form can be more difficult than the first.

Take your Life max up, and go to the upper left corner of the room, where we are going to find another room with the Echo of Bat.


Backtrack outside, and then drop down, once at the bottom go to the left, until you find a Heart max up.

Keep going left, and we can break the false ceiling here to open a secret room where we can get the Sword Card.

Backtrack outside, and explore the big room to explore the map, theres nothing here aside 100$.

Theres two rooms at our right, the first one contains a Garnet, and the second one is a Save room.

12 Royal Chapel

Map 12

Make way to the previously locked door at the Alchemy Lab.

Maria: So we meet again, Alucard.
Alucard: It seems so.
Maria: As friendly as ever, I see. It's strange. This castle is different than I remember it.
Alucard: ......... This castle is a creature of chaos. It may take many incarnations.
Maria: So I can't trust my memories, huh? Oh Well, I'll do my best. Good luck.
If you get the shortcut, You won't find Maria here, but in any case, you will find her again after defeating the Hippogryph.

This is a save point. Jump up. To the left is a pot with an aquamarine.

 Go up the stairs to the right.

Our first port of backtracking is that part with the handy mine at the Royal Chapel. We start out with a weapon that I hardly ever use.

Although some parts will still require the Soul of Bat to get to though.

 Yet another weapon that I never use.

Do I really I have to resort to puns here?

I've been given no choice, Boomerang + TNT = Kaboomerang.


 We can also access a new weapon for us to use at the top of this area. I used to use this one a fair bit back in my first playthrough; hence why I wouldn't use it here.

"Jump up the left side of the chapel room. There's a pair of goggles you can get with a well-timed jump

Go right room

13 Royal Chapel

If you keep walking right into this room, you can interact with ghostly spirits. Some will try to kill you, others will tell you their story. Use stone mask , you can get grape juice out of it, but it's a rare drop and not really worth your time.

Climbing this place is going to be easier said than done with all these enemies constantly abusing the fact how I knock back every time I get hurt. Winged Guards may be invisible but once you see their sword you can make short work of them.

Instead, climb all the way up to the very top of the bell tower.

You'll find a Life Max-Up, Str. Potion, and Silver plate

Afterwards, go through the room on the upper right of the tower.

Climb this shorter tower. There's a zircon at the top.

Continue right and get ready to fight the Hippogryph.

The Hippogryph mainly flies around the room, swooping at you, and generally being a pain to hit. However, there are some other attack sequences you need to look out for.
If the Hippogyph perches and blows fire, you can crouch beneath the fire and slash away.
If the Hippogryph lays an egg, slash it away before baby Hippogryphs are formed.

After you defeat the Hippogryph, there's another cutscene with Maria. After the cutscene, go right.

Maria: Impressive. You're very strong.
Alucard: ......... What is it you want? You didn't come here to tell me that.
Maria: You're right. Do you know the name Richter Belmont?
Alucard: Of the Belmont Clan? Of course, but... (mistaking with Trevor Belmont)
Maria: He disappeared about a year ago and I'm sure he's here. If you see him, please let me know.
Alucard: As you wish, my lady.
Maria: So you do know how to be a gentleman.

Go right. Yet another room with just Bats and Bone Halberds. Gimme something more interesting now that I've beaten the area's boss.

Climb this , get Potion, Cutlass

 Then, drop to the right and enter Castle Keep.

14 Castle Keep

map 14

Go right and slash the Axe Knights up.

The door on the right when you officially enter Castle Keep leads to Castle Keep's warp room. This warp room is denoted by a lion.

Ride the platforms up and enter the right doorway. Inside, you'll find the Tyrfing. Exit that room, and go to the left room.

You'll find yourself outside. Head all the way to right wall.
"Grab the Leap Stone and the Turquoise from the wall.
Make sure to slash this wall to get a Turkey.

Using the platform, make your way up this room. To the right is a save point. Above you is a passage that contains a Falchion.

Fly through the gap of the staircase. Hug the ceiling of the staircase while flying left.
"Eventually, you'll find the Power of Mist. This item will allow you to stay in Mist form as long as you have enough Mana. Slash the wall to the left of the Power of Mist to grab Fire Mail.

to the upper right hand corner of this room.

"Inside, you'll find a few Life Ups, Heart Ups, and a Ghost Card. This lets you use the Ghost Familiar.

There's a switch hidden in one of the bricks (pictured above). Slash the wall, slash the switch, and then head up the folding staircase that swings out.
Explore this area for a bunch of hidden goodies. Drop back down, and head right.

Smash the pot for a Heart Up. Then go back 

15 Clock Tower

Map 15

Start off by dropping down and exploring the bottom left area. Once you clear out the Skull Lords, head up and circle around to the right.

Make sure to grab these items resting on the pedstal...
And the items hiding under the collapsing bridge. Head all the way to the right of this room. Once you do, turn into a bat and fly up.

You'll find a secret room containing the Fire of Bat powerup. You can now summon fireballs by pressing circle as a bat. Head to the right side of the room, and enter the lower doorway.


The Bekatowa could be useful for my other hand; the Ice Mail isn't too useful right now because of how godly the Mirror Cuirass is here.
This is how the Shaman Shield and Shield Rod combo works.


Fight your way up the first clock passage, and head left.

As you're making your way down the passageway, look out for two cogs embedded in the wall.
To open the gate, go to a gear and keep hitting it until it makes a "click" sound, instead of the clanking sound it usually makes. Then move on to another gear. Once all four gears are "clicked" into place, the gate will open.


Hit the other two cogs located in this room unitl they click, Drop back down, and enter the room on the left. Pick up the goodies, and head back up.

Climb back up this passage, and slash the wall to the right.

Eventually, you'll reach an area with a Cloaked Knight, Life Up, and Heart Up. Return to the passage with the cogs and head left.

There are several secrets in this area. Slash this wall to reveal a Pot Roast.

Head all the way to the bottom left corner of the room, and slash that wall. This exposes the Healing Mail.

Fly to the upper left corner, and pass through the doorway.
As you're making your way through this hallway, slash the lefthand side of all the mini columns. They contain items. Make your way left, and get ready to fight Karasuman.

"Karasuman is a simple boss fight. He should have been fought earlier, so taking him out will be a breeze.
Krausman stuck in the corner, taking damage from Holy Water.

16 Underground caverns + Succubus (Boss)

Map 16

Go to the marble gallery, all the way to the right, before the corridor which leads to the outer wall. Go through the door on the upper right corner.

Open the green door and jump on the platform, it will open the violet platforms on the marble gallery.

Now go back to the one that you passed to get here and you should get a Library Card & an attack potion.

Then go back further in the Marble Gallery and another one should be there after the clock room, you will be at a door that leads to another part of the castle.

Theres a Zircon in the vessel just at the start, then just keep going down until you get to where you see two rooms, first the room on the right is a Save room.

Then go to the room on the left. Once in the room jump over the hole and go to the other room to get a heart max up.

Next, break the wall to the left to get a Bandanna.

Then go back one room, and go down the hole, then keep going down the hole until you get to where you can see a room to the left.

Go in and go up until you get a life max up. Then leave this room and go back to the tower.

Go down all the way, you can tell you're there when you see blue underground cavern feel.

Now backtrack to the first Save room on the underground caverns, then go down.

Use your bat form to get to the room at the right, eventually we will find a vessel that contains a Claymore.

Keep going down to find 3 Meal Tickets and a Moonstone.

At the very bottom to the left is a Save room, then go to the right to enter a Boss room.

Go up as if it was a regular save. You will then will be taken into a cutscene, then into a boss battle.


She spends most of the time floating. She will duplicate herself, defeat her.
Enter the purple 'Save Orb' when you find it and Alucard will have a nightmare of when his mother was executed.

Alucard: Mother!!
Lisa: That voice! Alucard, it's you!
Alucard: I'm coming Mother! I'll save you!!
Lisa: No Alucard! Don't come here!
Alucard: But Mother!
Lisa: It's alright! If my death can save others, I gladly surrender my life.
Alucard: Mother! No!... Please! No!...
Lisa: Yes Alucard! Watch me die and remember always my last words to you...
Alucard: Yes Mother...
Lisa: You must despise humans. They are to be your prey.
Alucard: What?!...
Lisa: Better for them to die than to let them compound their sins. Begin by slaying that one over there.
Alucard: No... it wasn't like this...
Lisa: What's wrong? Alucard?
Alucard: My mother never said such a thing...
Lisa: What do you mean!? Kill them and bring them happiness!
Alucard: No! You're not my mother! What kind of demon are you!?
Succubus: You broke free of my spell. I like that.
Alucard: Demon, death is too good for you!
Succubus Come here little boy and show me what you've got.

After defeating Succubus:

Succubus: Darkling! I smell you're blood. You're a vampire... Could it be...
Alucard: .........
Succubus: That strength, that beauty... You're the son of Lord Dracula.
Alucard: Death in the dream world will set your soul wandering for eternity, Demon.

Grab the Anillo de Oro, and then return to the big vertical room, and jump down.

17 Scylla (Boss)

Map 17

In this room, there's a Save room just to our right.

Next go down, through the door and you should be facing the Scylla Wyrm.

Continue and you will have to be quick to get past the rising water.

Then go to the right to get a Pot roast, then go to the left and you will be fighting another Boss.

First kill her Wyrms, then kill her body, you can jump behind her to deal easily the damage.

Then once you have defeated her go into the next room and get the crystal cloak.

Then go back and don't forget to get the Scimitar, and a Resist ice.

Once on the first room, go back up and go left to push a box to make some guys drown.

Continue going left until you find a room with a waterfall, use the bat form to reach the upper left corner.

18 Ferryman 

In this room you will find a switch, press it, and a Skeleton Ape will appear breaking the wooden platform. Allowing you to get the Herald shield.

Return and jump down the waterfall, behind it, you can find the Secret boots.

This time, at the bottom theres a room with a Life max up.

Now keep going to the left until you find the Ferryman, which leads you to a room with the Merman Statue.

Here if you don't want to come back later (and have the Life to spend) you can drop down to the water to obtain the map coverage of this area.

Now we need to backtrack, but before doing so, you can explore a passage up just before the Ferryman, keep exploring until you find a red door, go through it to unlock a passage and get a Life max up.

19  Holy Symbol  

Map 19 

Keep going left until the first room, and there is a hidden passage on the floor, break it and jump down.

Jump on the boat and let him take you all the way to a room with the Holy Symbol which allows us to be underwater without taking damage.

Return, and explore all the room, we can find a ElixirOnyxKnuckle duster and a Life max up.

On the way back, you can explore new parts, where you can get a Nunchaku, and a Life max up. Make sure to get the map coverage.

Return to the part where is a wooden platform, by now, there should be a Skeleton Ape, use it to break the wooden platform. U should get a Heart and Life max up.

This too will open a path to another part of the Castle.

20Abandoned Mine

Map 20

Once you are here jump down to the way bottom and to the room to the right, to a save.

Now go through the doorway, where you will find a lot of candles, step through to the next room to fight Cerberus.

Try to staw low to avoid his fireballs.

Get the Life max up, and then go on to the next room and go down all the room.

Then go all the way to the left, at the end, will be a Demon card.
Now activate the familiar and go back up where you saw a little switch. And now go through the door and you will see a whole bunch of thorn weed.

Drop down, you will get the ring of Ares.

Now go hit the wall to the left to get: Turkeypeanuts X4barley tea & power of sire.

Now, leave this area and go back to where the switch is, go further down to where the demon card was except go to the right to find a teleporter.

Go into the room to get the teleporter on the map, then go back to the left and drop down.

When you drop all the way down, go to the left to get a Karma coin & combat knife. Then go to the right and go through the door to the catacombs.

21 Catacombs

Once you get here go to the door on your left and skip the save. You should get a blood stone and a cat-eye-circlet when you break down the wall behind the blood stone. Now go back to save.

Then head right and you should meet were skeletons and a bone ark before you get to the door.

You will then be in a big room with Gremlins, just go to the left.

Now hit the coffins and blood skeletons will be in them. Next room you will get a heart & life max up.

Room after you will fight a Grave keeper & hellfire beast.

Room after the hellfire beast you will be in a room with Lossoths. Shortly after the Lossoths, there will be a Discuss Lord.

Go up to where you just defeated the Discus Lord and you will find the Ballroom mask, heart max up, breaking the wall on the left there is a ice brand.

In the next room to the left, you are in another room with Lossoths. Now go left and you will be in the next room, go up and to the right to a save.

Go through and get the walk armor. Now go to the next room to fight the boss of this area.

Granfaloon (boss)
The Granfaloon is protected by a shell of bodies. That will drop down from the Granfaloon, walking slowly towards you. Once enough is exposed you can attack the center, the center is the part that you can deal lethal damage to it.

Afterward, you'll get the standard life max up after the battle. Leave the room through the bottom left, you should receive a mormegil.

We are now done with this side of the Catacombs. We'll need to backtrack to the big room where you saw the Gremlins. Once you are there, go to the bottom right and head that direction.


Map 22

In the bigger room, you will find lots of slimes. They are easy, few hits and they'll be gone. Then head towards the top right and enter the next room.

In this room, you will have to use the radar from the bat. You are going to have to navigate through the maze with only the radar to help you.

In the next room, you will find a cross shuriken and karma coins. Now drop down and find the two skeletons holding the big head, defeat it.

At the end of the hall will be the Spike Breaker armor, and on the wall will be a library card.

We are all done down here. Nothing else left for us down here.

23 Entry Hall + Alchemy Laboratory 

In the Entrance there is a large room with a rock in the middle (and mermen leaping around below). Break through the rock, then fly through it one way in Bat form and then return in Wolf form. This will open up
the bottom left wall, which leads to a small room with the Jewel Sword and a Life Apple

Turn into a bat and enter the area overhead. You'll find a save point, a Ghurka and Blade enemy, and Holy Armor. Drop back down and head outside the castle.

Fly up and you'll find the "Power of Wolf" item. This doesn't do much right now, but it'll be useful later.

Drop down through the gap, and hug the left wall. Enter this room for a Heart Up. Continue dropping down and head left until you reach the room with the big boulder.

Head right. When you get to the area with the bloody zombies, double jump. Look for a platform on the right side of the room (it's a bit high up). Change into a bat to enter this room and grab a Life Up. Drop down, and head right.

Go next

Equip your Spike Breaker Armor, and head through this passage.
After the cutscene with Maria, head left and pick up the Silver Ring.

 Equip the Gold and Silver Rings. The floor of the room will open up. Drop down into the floor.


To the left is a save point. The right contains a Life Up and Heart Up. Once you explore both of these rooms, head down via the elevator.

Drop down, then circle to the bottom of this room. When you stand on the golden platform, another cutscene with Maria takes place. She will give you the Holy Glasses.

After the cutscene, use a library card. Head to the room directly underneath the Librarian.
Start using the Gravity Boots jump (DOWN, UP, X) repeatedly under the Librarian. He will give you a Life UpRing of ArcanaAxe Lord Armor, and the Dracula's Tunic at 1, 5, 30, and 100 jumps. respectively. I recommend getting to at least the Ring of Arcana. The other two items aren't very useful

Mudman is only available through the Lesser Demon fight. Be sure to allow the battle to go on long enough for you to encounter one.

24 Confronting Richter

Open up your inventory, and equip the Holy Glasses. This is important, otherwise you will kill Richter and get a bad end.


Watch the cutscene with Richter.

Immediately after this cutscene, Richter will use the Holy Cross super. Turn into mist to avoid it.
"Richter will attack you, but he is not the focus of this fight.

Reverse Keep


"This portion of the walkthrough is going to be different from the normal castle. In the normal castle, you were restricted by movement abilities (e.g. needing to double jump to climb to certain areas).

This is a bit hidden but that staircase will lead to a new area.

Including a royal cloak for me to try on. And a bastard sword

Just a set-up for the Castlevania Football spin-off. Visit the lower left-hand corner for some Resist Items.


 Inverted Save Point

Go up. Get lighting mail

Break the wall where you found the Power of Mist to get an Iron Ball.

Break the wall in the upper right corner to get the Sword of Dawn.

This can actually be a very handy sword, and happened to be a favorite on my first playthrough. Don't worry; the Inverted Castle was the point on my first playthrough where I told myself "I should be good at this by now". Use it by all means; I'll just be using the Star Flail for its attack range.

Drop down in the room with the lion heads to get a Library Card.

Make sure to visit the warp room before you leave. Exit towards the Reverse Chapel (right).

Be wary of these tombstones. They will curse you if they touch you.

Reverse Chapel


Magic Missile and Bwaka Knife at the bottom of the first tower.

Balloon pods explode into a bunch of poison spores. Equip the Topaz Circlet if you want to gain immunity to the spores.

When fighting Medusa, avoid her petrification beams, and make her back up into the corner. When she's cornered, duck and slash away at her. If you position yourself closely enough, you'll completely dodge her petrification beam, and it'll be an easy win.

Choose armor.

Reverse Chapel


If you're having difficulty with the Black Panthers, wing smash into them.
Grab the Talwar at the bottom of the next tower.

Grab the goodies at the bottom of the third tower. Equip the Spike Breaker armor and head into the spiked room.


Grab and equip the Twilight Cloak. It's the best cloak in the game. Keep heading up.

Defeat the Spectral Sword. Continue right.

Reverse Chapel


Archers will take forever to kill and hit hard. But the Exp is right so I'll fight them to the death.

Fight your way up the stairwell. Grab the items hidden in the pots.

Head to the Reverse Laboratory.

Reverse Laboratory


Beelzebub is a difficult boss fight. Before you do anything, equip the Topaz Circlet. The larvae that crawl on the ground will poison you otherwise. 

Beezelbub doesn't attack you, he just sends hordes of flies after you. Do your best to dodge them. Getting hit by one hurts. 

As the boss fight rages on, Beelzebub loses his limbs. At the end of the battle, use wing smashes or Gravity Jumps to attack his torso. 

After the boss fight, check out the lower left corner of the room. Equip both Rings of Arcana, these items will be tremendously helpful later on to get stronger weapons. 

Save Point is here

Stand still to see where Bitterflies are. Go left-down, get Life max up

 Don't forget about the two hidden areas right outside of the area with the Lesser Demons.
Get katara

And Heart max up 

Fully explore the Reverse Laboratory. When you run into Lesser Demons, do your best to attack them as quickly as possible. They will spawn more and more clones, making it a tougher fight overall if you don't dispose of them. 

Go left, get new shield, new Shield Rod combo. 

This one will give us immunity to darkness. This could be handy for bosses like Death and Dracula.

Then go down - left get Turquioise

Go back,up,  After filling out the Reverse Laboratory on your map. head to the Reverse Entrance.

Reverse Entrance


Get  heart max up and go up

Make sure to visit the warp room. 

Then go left-down , Get Talisman

Go up, get Life max up

Some demons

Make sure to break open the rocks, and pass through as a Wolf, then a Bat to open up the secret room in the upper right.

It's extremely important you visit the secret room. One of these items will help out in an upcoming boss fight.
This won't be cheap in Master Librarian's perspective.

This could be handy for a particular boss which likes to spam electricity. If you decided to keep the game as Symphony of the Night rather than Spamming of the Combo.

Even poor old Nova Skeletons and Blue Venus Weeds can't pose a challenge. And those were the strongest enemies in the bestiary. If you're having trouble in the area below, use your dark fireball and Wolf Charge spells (DOWN, DOWN + RIGHT, RIGHT, SQAURE/CIRCLE in wolf form) to clear out the enemies.
Alternatively, you could turn into mist and fly over adversity. 

Go right , have save room and get Fire Boomerang

When you're facing the Oruburos, try to attack the Flea Man riding it. If you successfully kill the Flea Man, you'll gain a powerful ally to help you clear out the rest of the Hallway.

Once you're done exploring, head into the Reverse Caverns.

Reverse Caverns


Head right, fighting off Cave Trolls along the way.

Once you've reached the end of the room, you'll find the Alucard Shield. Equip it, it's the best shield in the game.

Equip the Shield Rod. Attack and block at the same time to gain access to a new powerful ability.
"Anything that touches your shield will be subjected to ~250 damage. You will gain 8 health and a heart.

If you're having a hard time filling up the map near the ceiling, use your Wolf Form to hug the upper portion of the room.

"Use a wing smash to get through the waterfall, into the secret room.

Use your shield to get through tougher areas of the cavern, if needed.

Once you see the area that leads into the Reverse Mines (where you fought Cerberus), jump up. We'll revisit the Reverse Caverns afterwards.

Reverse Cave


Reverse Cave b


Reverse Floating Catacombs


Reverse Floating Catacombs b

Reverse Caverns


Reverse Caverns

Play as Richter

After completing the game with Alucard, attaining the appropriate percentage, start a new mission and enter "Richter" as your name. Doing so will allow you play as Richter Belmont, in classic Castlevania whip-and-jump action. Since Richter is fairly limited, he cannot enter some of the areas Alucard was able to reach (areas beyond grates). Since he has no inventory, all equippable goods will be replaced by single hearts; also, the money collected from candles is useless to our Belmont hero.

Tap the jump button twice quickly: This is a maneuver retained from the Dracula X titles. Tap the jump button twice quickly to do a dodging-type backflip.

Quickly press forward twice in either direction: Richter will begin to run in the direction pressed, able to speed through areas and jump farther than before.

Hold down and press X: Richter will do a sliding dash attack; it could be used for a speed boost or to harm enemies. If you use the move twice in a row, rapidly, Richter will perform a dropkick through the air. (Note: Tapping the attack button upon impact will cause Richter to kick off of the enemy for an evading backflip, out of which he can follow up with a second attack.)

Press the triangle button: Richter will use his item crash.

Press up, down, down-forward and forward in the air: This tricky sequence allows Richter to do a midair dash, straight forward, and slice through enemies; it can be done while on the ground or in the air.

Press down, then up, then X quickly while in the air: Richter will do his super jump upward. This can be done again and again while in the air, and it's essential to helping Richter reach areas he normally couldn't; this will also act as an uppercut-type move, which hurts enemies in his path.

Maria Mode: This code is only applicable in the The Dracula X Chronicles version of Symphony. After completing the game with Alucard, start a new mission and enter "Maria" as your name.

Maria's Special Attacks
Other than kicking, Maria's main method of attack are her power shots. Although normally very small, You can hold down the fire button and charge them up to magic of this strength.

Dragon Summon: F, B, DB, D, DF, F, B + Fire (35 MP)

Summons a water dragon that you can control.

Flameburst: U, D, DF, F + Fire (12 MP)

Maria makes lots and lots of fire.

Owl Summon: Charge U, UF, F, DF, D + Fire (18 MP)

Summons an owl to act like a familiar.

Invincibility: U, UF, F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, Charge U, D + Fire (43 MP)

Maria will turn invincinable for about 40 seconds, and gains a bit of strength.

Turtle Healing: D, DB, B, UB, U, UF, F, DF, D + Fire (23 MP)
Summons a turtle to regain a bit of life.

Play as an Axe Lord

 After completing the game with Alucard, attaining the appropriate percentage, start a new mission and enter "AxeArmor" as your name. This will give Alucard special Axe Lord armor in his inventory that when equipped will allow him to take the form of an Axe Lord from the Dracula X games. As an Axe Lord, he moves very slowly, and his jumping ability is sorely lacking; however, his strength is great, and he can kill bosses quickly--if he can reach them regularly.

Luck Increase

Start a new mission and enter "X-X!V"Q" (minus the surrounding quotes, of course) as your name. Alucard will begin the adventure with 99 Luck; however, the game's doling of such comes at the expense of his other stats, whose values will now be lower than normal. As a bonus, Alucard will find himself equipped with the Lapis Lazuli--a luck-boosting gem.

*********************   2.  Alucard  *********************

After the prologue as Richter Belmont, you play as Alucard reaching Castlevania. Alucard has an items inventory (accessed by the 'START' button), from which he can equip various types of weapons and armor found during the game, and he becomes more powerful earning experience as he defeats enemies and find relics that gives him new skills.

Dark Metamorphosis

A pretty darn handy spell to know for the beginning of the game. When cast, Alucard will turn red for a short amount of time. During this period, any enemy that sheds blood when you hurt or kill them will heal you (much like actually drinking blood.)
(MP 10) B, UB, U, UF, F + Square or Circle

Every true Castlevania fan is wary of Dracula's main attack...transporting, opening his cape and sending three fireballs out. Hellfire is exactly that. Alucard will mimic his father's actions almost precisely. The time it takes to execute and its power make this spell usefulness questionable. If you do a half circle rather than a quarter circle, you'll shoot those large black fireballs that Dracula attacks with.
(MP 15) U, D, DF, F + Square or Circle

Soul Steal

This spells will send out a few spirits that will actually take life away from enemies and give it to Alucard. Takes the most magic power of any spell, but very useful in various situations.
(MP 50) B, F, DF, D, DB, B, F + Square or Circle

Summon Spirit

One of the simpler spells, Alucard will call out a single spirit that will track down an enemy on the screen and hit it a few times before disappearing.
(MP 5) B, F, D, U + Square or Triangle

Tetra Spirit

Much like a Summon Spirit spell times four. Four spirits will be summoned to fly around the screen and wreak havoc. Much more useful than the normal Summon Spirit attack.
(MP 20) U (Hold for 2 Sec.), UF, F, DF, D + Square or Circle

Wing Smash (as Bat)

You often see Alucard's second Doppelganger using this attack. Turn into a bat and execute this manuever, and Alucard will charge forward very fast, causing damage to anything in its path. Great for flying enemies, especially since the bat form's fireballs aren't that powerful.
(MP 8) Hold X, U, UB, B, DB, D, DF, F, Release X

Wolf Charge (as Wolf)

I pretty much still regard the wolf as almost useless, but this attack will at least give some purposde to the beast. It is very similar to the Wing Smash, only obviously the wolf is on the ground; he will charge the enemy quickly and inflict a good amount of damage.
(MP 10) D, DF, F + Square or Circle


Fairy Familiar

The Fairy Familiar will help you out of tight situations - if you're low on health or turned to stone, she'll heal you - providing you have Hammers or Life Apples in your inventory. She will also point out breakable walls. There was also a counterpart to this in the Japanese, the Sprite familiar, who did the same thing, but would sing under the right conditions.

Sword Familiar

The Sword Familiar is probably the most all-around powerful - the higher its level, the more aggressive it will be. Once it hits level 50, you can wield it as a sword, although it does not gain experience in this form. At level 99, it has the highest attack power of any weapon in the game. You also have access to the Sword Brother's spell, which will summon a gigantic sword that will hover in the middle of the screen and then send out a powerful blast, harming everything in the vinicinity. Rather powerful and useful for those times in the inverted castle were you are absoultely overwhelmed.
(MP 30) D, DF, F, UF, U (Hold for 2 Sec.), D + Square or Circle

Bat Familiar

The bat will fly by your side and attack enemies - not too useful by itself, but when Alucard changes into bat form, they'll summon a flock of them. Much like the options in Gradius, they'll follow your movement and attacks when you attack. The higher the level, the more that are summoned.

Ghost Familiar

The ghost will eventually power up to suck away enemy life, much like Alucard's Soul Steal power.

Demon Familiar

The demon is an average attacker - however, you'll need him to open a few hidden passages. This familiar also had another counterpart in the Japanese version that was a parody of a famous voice actor, but served the same function.

One Time Use Items


There are quite a few single-use throwing weapons found throughout the game. Unfortunately, since their use is limited and they're awkward to equip, you probably won't use them very much. On the top row are the Neutron Bomb and Iron Ball weapons. In the middle row are the Magic Missile weapons (which summons a magical bow) and the shuriken-like Buffalo Stars. On the bottom row are the TNT weapons and the "Power of Sire", which will call on Vlad Tepes to administer punishment to everything on the screen.


Sword of Dawn Attacks

The Sword of Dawn itself has no interesting attack, but there is a cool spell... do a fireball motion, and you'll summon a Warrior of Dawn...an archer, warrior, or magician. Occasionaly, you'll even get a small army of red-clad soldiers. The best things is that you can make a whole slew of these guy on the screen at one time. You'll find it in the inverted Castle Keep. Right where you found the Jump Stone in the normal castle, hit the wall until it crumbles.

Other Weapons of Interest

The Rune Sword, a one handed weapon, is one of my favorite sword. With a normal attack, it swoops out of Alucard's hands, flies at an arc and returns very quickly. Very cool. It's also very rare. Keep attacking the Dodo Bird in the Inverse Castle entrance (with all of those Dragon Riders) and you'll find it eventually.


An interesting two-handed sword, the Murasama is also swung very fast, creating the circular blades like the Yasutsana, but it isn't quite as fast or powerful, and you must stand still when using it. Described as a bloodthirsty sword, when it is equipped, you will have the Dark Metamorphosis spell permanently cast upon you. Not only that, but the more blood you absord, the more powerful the sword becomes. Keep killing the Vandal Swords (ghosts that come out of the Sword Lords) in the Clock Tower to get this.


Very similar to the Murasama, except without the cool blood sucking ability. And also like the Osafune Katana, there is a teleport move done with a quarter circle motion. These are dropped by Black Panthers.

Heaven Sword

This is pretty keen - the Heaven Sword flings straight forward, then flips back to you, like a boomerang. If you equip two of them, press both attack buttons to summon a whole array of swords that fling forward. You can get this weapon from the Cloaked Knights n the Reverse Clock Tower.


Arguably one of the coolest swords in the game. It's vaguely similar to the Yasutsuna, but it shoots out vacuum waves instead of the circular blades. Although on the status screen, it's weaker the Yasutsuna, its speed and number of hits infliced more than makes up for it. It's one handed and it doesn't lower your defense. Keep killing the Schmoos (those flying ghosts) in the inverted Library to get this.


Very quick and powerful, the Yasutsuna will attack with a very quick circle of blades in front of Alucard. He can also use this weapon while moving (he doesn't have to stand still.) Unfortunately, it's a two-handed weapon and it decreases the defense rating. This one's found by killing the Werewolves in the inverted Colisseum.


The Marsil Sword is a flaming blade that is quite cool...it can hit up to four times with its fire. Doing the famous fireball motion will cause flames to fly over the screen. Find this by repeatedly killing those big Fire Demons in the inverted Marble Gallery.


The Mourneblade works just like the Soul Steal power - every time you attack an enemy, you'll gain a small percentage of life. This also works on candles, oddly enough. Dropped by the Azaghals in the Reverse Colosseum.

Osafune Katana
A two-handed weapon, it's pretty strong. However, execute a fireball motion (down, down-forward, forward, attack) and Alucard will transport forward, swing a few times very fast, and then return. You can find this behind the waterfall in the inverted Underground caverns.

Holbein Dagger

Very nifty weapon that shoots out short-wave ascending slashes. It has very little range, but looks rather cool. These are dropped by Lesser Demons.

Jewel Sword

Leaves jewels as items when killing monsters (though it usually drops those crappy Zircon rings.) Additionally, do a quarter-circle forward motion and you'll drop random amounts of $1 coins. And in the Saturn version, equipping the jewels as accessories will give you extra strength. Get this from the Discus Knight (found only in the Catacombs). You can also find it in that annoying passage near the beginning of the castle (where you have to break that big rock open at both ends, and run back and forth in the normal form, bat, and wolf until a room in the lower-left corner opens.)

Shield Rod Spells
Alucard Shield

Summons all other shields and turns the Alucard shield into a soul stealing weapon. Hitting enemies with your shield will give you life and hearts.

Alucart Shield

Attempts to cast Alucard shield spell but fails.

Axe Lord Shield

Summons an axe lord who will walk ahead of Alucard and attack the first enemy it meets

Dark Shield

Summons a dark skull that does damage to all enemies on the screen.

Fire Shield

Summons 3 flaming serpents who fly across the screen.

Goddess Shield

Summons a Goddess who gives protection from dark attacks.

Herald Shield

Summons a sprite that gives protection from fire and thunder.

Knight Shield

Summons a stallion that rases defense.

Lether Shield

Summons a cow that rases defense.

Medusa Shield

Causes a gorgon to appear that fires rays ahead of Alucard.

Shaman Shield

Summons a magical creature that rases intelligence.

Skull Shield

Summons a group of skulls that fires a bolt accross the screen.